Rapala X-Rap Magnum Treble Hook

    Rapala X-Rap Magnum Treble Hook
    The X-Rap is "all about the action" and it triggers strikes. It’s the perfect size and three-dimensional shape of a minnow. Prominent scales and the lateral line on the fuselage capture and flash light like a beacon. Unassisted trolling depth of 30ft.

    All the life-like scale detail and selections from the incredible patterns of the original X-Rap. The massive diving-lip takes the X-Rap Magnum deep...unassisted. Nothing to hinder the action. These run perfect right out of the box, no wasted time tuning. They can be run up to 13 knots for big game fish worldwide.

    Rapala X-Rap Magnum deep divers have resulted in World Records around the globe.

    Grab one of these exclusive colours, or one of the all-time proven colours now to secure your shot at a World Record!

    X-Rap Magnum

  • Casting & Trolling
  • Deep-Diving Lip to 30 Feet
  • Textured Translucent Body
  • Internal Holographic Foil
  • 3X Split Rings
  • 3X Perma Steel Hooks
  • 3D Holographic Eyes
  • Big Water Patterns
  • Ideal for Barramundi, Mackerel, Tuna, Kingfish, Salmon, Tailor, Wahoo, Dolphin Fish

    Yes, we ship our products worldwide. For orders outside New Zealand please send an enquiry (use the form above) so we can ensure you have the right product for your purpose, are aware of any spares you may need and quote you the best price for shipping and deduct all local Goods and Services Taxes from the product price before you place your order.  

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