Fishing Drones NZ

Fishing Drones easily place a baited long-line and sinker up to 1000 meters offshore. Our prices for quality, fishing capable drones range from $1300. Before you buy a drone for fishing give us a call to ensure you get the best drone for your purpose.

Drone Fishing Demos

Drone fishing offers a multitude of exciting new fishing opportunities in the many small bays, harbour channels and closer to reefy areas where kite and kontiki fishing is not practical. The 7kg Snapper below was taken from one six hook set at Uretiti Beach. Four snapper were taken on this set at 500 metres offshore. The AEE Condor Fisherman Drone used for this set has a range of 1000 metres.

SUBSCRIBE to get notifications about our next Free Drone Fishing Demonstration on the top right of any page on the website.

  • AEE Condor Drone Fishing Instructions
    Full instructions for calibrating and fishing with an AEE Condor fishing Drone.

    IMPORTANT: Please take note of the correct techniques for drone calibration and battery installation. Failure to do so may put your drone at risk.
    In Stock
  • Drone Landing Pad
    A high vis, water resistant landing pad complete with ground pegs in a carry case.
    NZ$ 39.99
    In Stock

The team at Paul's Fishing Systens have over 600 drone casts worth of experience between them with an assortment of fishing drones. If you need help choosing the right drone and drone fishing kit, call the team for the best advice on the perfect drone fishing setup for your fishing purpose and budget.  Ph 09 634 5005 between 9am to 5.30pm or Ph 021 192 6328 After Hours

Paul's Fishing Systems run frequent free public Drone Fishing demonstrations in the Auckland  area and occaisionally in other areas around New Zealand. If you would like to see a demo in your area use the "contact us" button at the top of any page or the form below and use the word "Drone" in the subject line.

  • PFS  have the biggest selection of fishing drones, from entry level through to expert.
  • PFS is the best place to get sound advice and information before you buy a fishing drone in NZ.
  • We also provide great after sales support and expert advice on how and where to use your new fishing drone.
  • We hold regular fishing demonstrations and comprehensive training
  • Check out our drone fishing video channel

Drone fishing Catches, kingfish New Zealand

Above: Drone fishing kingfish catch taken at the top end of Muriwai Beach

Below: Condor Drone fishing demonstration at Hatfields Beach

If you need to know anything about Drone Fishing before you purchase yours give Paul a call Ph 021 192 6328.

If you want to come to one of our free demonstrations please subscribe to our newsletter on the top right hand side of this page and we will contact you when we are going on a fishing demo with the time and place.

Fishing with drones opens a world of offshore fishing opportunities while dropping any type of fishing gear precisely where you want it.

Drone Catch taken at Hatfields Beach

Above: Drone fishing catch taken from Hatfields Beach

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