Fishing Drones NZ
Fishing Drones easily place a baited long-line and sinker up to 1000 meters offshore. Our prices for quality, fishing capable drones range from $1300. Before you buy a drone for fishing give us a call to ensure you get the best drone for your purpose.
Drone Fishing Demos
Drone fishing offers a multitude of exciting new fishing opportunities in the many small bays, harbour channels and closer to reefy areas where kite and kontiki fishing is not practical. The 7kg Snapper below was taken from one six hook set at Uretiti Beach. Four snapper were taken on this set at 500 metres offshore. The AEE Condor Fisherman Drone used for this set has a range of 1000 metres.
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A selection of our recommended rods and reels suitable for drone fishing.
A collection of all spares and accessories to suit all fishing drones. Get your hook sections, release wires, spare batteries and spare propellers here.